
Headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska, Hap Design Co. is dedicated to celebrating culture. We want to push past the broad-brush portraits too often used to depict each other’s customs and heritage.

We want to push past the broad-brush portraits too often used to depict each other’s customs and heritage.

We want to push past the broad-brush portraits too often used to depict each other’s customs and heritage.

‘Hap’, meaning good luck and good fortune, embodies our attitude toward this pursuit: we find beauty in the intricacies that lie below the surface of our assumptions about how people live their lives. We find joy in the happenstance discoveries these explorations bring, discoveries that spark an excitement for the small wonders we have to offer each other, and how this excitement easily brings us together.

From promoting local artists and festivals to highlighting the cultural offerings of an entire nation, we want to collaborate with people passionate about sharing the joys that dwell in subtleties of their culture’s traditions and innovations.